The man who stores up injuries and resentments and yet fancies that he prays might as well draw water from a well and pour it into a cask that is full of holes. Evagrius, On Prayer, 22 c. AD 395
If I had to identify one
primary core cause of being miserable, it is living with resentment. This is an
ailment that is so insidious; it affects us all without even knowing that it
exists. Unfortunately everyone around us
realizes that it exists, especially those that we have resentment towards, although
we remain oblivious; for when one harbors resentment, their actions and
reactions become seemingly unpredictable, erratic, destructive and downright
bizarre. Again for the person, there is no self-awareness that they are acting
out of line (and in fact typically justify themselves) , but the fact becomes
increasingly obvious to all else.
It is what our Holy Fathers call “secret
anger”. It is when all past transgressions/insults from others (real or
perceived), or past difficult life situations (failures, disappointments,
hardships) are left unchecked and
without resolution and then all the anger, judgment, and blame will progress
and turn into what the Holy Fathers call "secret or hidden anger,"
leading to chronic and obsessive "remembrance of wrongs," or what we call "RESENTMENT."
We can harbor resentment
towards others, towards ourselves and even towards GOD Himself. All forms causing a path of destruction for
our souls and in all of our relationships.
Resentment becomes an ever enlarging black hole, stealing our inner joy,
disrupting the stillness of our hearts, while ushering in chronic interpersonal
relational dysfunction.
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk says: "Just as fire
if it is not extinguished quickly will swallow many houses, so anger if it is
not stopped right away will do great harm and will cause many troubles.
St. Paul says: “Do not let the sun go down on your
anger, and do not make room for the devil” (Eph. 4:26-7). Did
you hear that: “Do not make room for the devil”; holding onto anger and
judgment, letting it ferment in our souls will emit such a foul spiritual odor
that it will attract our enemy---God Forbid.
We know that God is Love;
this is the center of our understanding of our relationship with the Trinity
and therefore with one another.
Resentment is the rejection of love and therefore the rejection of
God. It is making ourselves the center
of the universe and the ultimate judge; we begin to play God and try to assume
His position of judgment and retribution.
This rejection of Love
ultimately poisons our heart, mind, and souls; we cannot think straight, behave
strangely and unpredictably eventually blocking our path to holiness and
healing---thereby preventing us from participating in the Kingdom (now as well
as later).
Are we experiencing inner
turmoil, unable to obtain peace, and always feeling unsettled? Does sleep fail
us and are up at night tossing and turning? Are we feeling bothered, weighed
down, and constrained with no end in sight? Does chronic anxiety plague us, not
allowing any rest to our souls? Do we feel empty and at a loss?
If you, like me, can relate
to the above symptomology we may be suffering from hidden and secret
anger---Resentment. The fact of the matter is that this emptiness comes from
our separation from God by allowing the poison of hidden anger burn our souls.
When we choose judgment and anger over forgiveness and love, then we force HIS
Grace to flee leaving is hollow, bare, and without Life.
This spiritual hollowness
and graceless condition leads one to become cynical, passive aggressive,
malicious, and an overall negative person. Negative people and negative
situations seem to follow us wherever we go; we find ourselves in conflict
constantly and we believe we are always right and never in the wrong; the
problems then progresses where we feel the need to fill the spiritual emptiness
and loneliness with deceit, drugs, alcohol, and/or sex--- trying to numb the
pain that we have unwittingly caused ourselves. This spiritual disease then can
even progress to physical sickness.
Becoming aware of our
condition and having some genuine self-reflection is the starting point. In the next blog, I will be addressing true
forgiveness, the remedy for this spiritual tragedy. But for now, I would encourage us all,
especially during this Holy season of Advent, to see your spiritual father, and
reconnect with a life of confession and repentance.
Praying for a edifying
Advent for you all,
Ft. Spyridon
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ReplyDeleteThis post has made me pause and reflect. I, sometimes, have resentment towards certain people. This certainly causes me to feel unsettled. I feel pushed away from God even though I always pray about this. I believe in order for resentment to be resolved there should be open and humble communication with the people involved. How can this be possible when certain people are in denial and become defensive? I tend to disconnect myself from these people and confrontational situations. This leaves me with even more resentment then I first started with. I know that God is love. I wish I can let go of this heavy feeling. I can forgive but I cannot easily forget. I wish I can obtain full peace in my heart. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, we can only control ourselves and not control the reactions, emotions, or thought process of others. Forgiveness is for our own spiritual healing primarily and then others. Just as the Lord took on HIs passion, undeservedly and without cause, He forgave and accepted the injustice and prayed for those that hurt Him. We are called to pray for our enemies and it is through prayer that Grace takes hold and healing begins. I am not saying that we need to be best friends with these people; certain people and situations are just to toxic to allow for healthy interactions. So do not feel bad if a time out is in order; giving yourself enough time to heal and perhaps enough time for them as well. If not already done, please see your spiritual father for the mystery of confession; it truly is a vehicle for the transforming touch of our Lord--- without HIM , true forgiveness is impossible. I pray this helps.
DeleteFt. Spyridon